Barbara Evans-Levine is an insightful, intuitive, heart-centered professional and spiritual teacher. Barbara has her BA in Psychology and Sociology. Her career path has always had a common theme; to be of service. Her desire to serve those in need has been demonstrated by over 20 years’ experience in the field of social services as an advocate for the senior population, hospice work, as well as working with people touched by cancer.
Barbara considers herself a “student of life.” Her curiosity has led her in studying the many aspects and healing properties of Energy Medicine. In 2004 Barbara experienced personally, the healing benefits of that invisible substance called “Qi” or universal life force energy. She was in a serious car accident which left her in a wheelchair for some time. She had a closed head injury and was involved with physical and cognitive rehabilitation for several months. During this time, she received Reiki and Healing Touch sessions that she felt were extremely helpful.
Months later she was in a library and as she looked up…a video fell on her injured foot, this video was Rainbow Sun Qigong. She knew nothing about Qigong, however, Barbara knew there were no coincidences in life. She felt there was a reason why this video fell on her foot so she took it home and began practicing daily. A few months later she was asked to teach Qigong at a retreat for people touched by cancer.
What began as a serious trauma that may have derailed her life... became a life-changing event that guided her into her life's work.
About Barbara Evans-Levine
Barbara has been studying, practicing and teaching Qigong since 2006. She followed 2 remarkable Qigong Masters and Qigong teachers along the way. She was open to learning, growing and experiencing her own process of healing by incorporating these various styles of Qigong. She became certified in Rainbow Sun Qigong in 2010.
In 2012, Barbara studied Qigong & Tai Chi in China and Tibet, deepening her knowledge and understanding of these ancient arts and their healing benefits. Barbara has been a Qigong teacher since 2006. She developed her own style of Qigong: “Spirit of the Trees” Qigong~ a moving meditation. Barbara’s instructional DVD is now available.
The very same month that Qigong came into Barbara’s life she was given a Healing Touch Level 1Training brochure. She smiled and knew that this was no coincidence either. She benefited greatly from her healing sessions as she was recuperating from her car accident and she registered immediately. She studied and practiced this sacred healing modality and became a certified Healing Touch Practitioner in 2010. Barbara felt this healing work would be a perfect complement to her Qi Gong.
This profound spiritual experience that began with her car accident has influenced and shaped the course of Barbara’s life, as well as her two new careers; as a Healing Touch Practitioner and a Qigong teacher.
Research has proven that 75% of all illness or disease is related to the stress in our lives and how we handle that stress. Barbara has witnessed the healing power of that invisible substance called Qi or life force energy in her own journey of healing. She brings a gentle presence of love, compassion, patience, generosity, peace and intuition to all who cross her path. Her focus is to encourage her Qigong students and healing clients to open to the endless possibilities of healing as they go home to their heart.
Barbara’s heart-felt passion is to assist people in lowering their stress, their physical & emotional pain, as well as discontent within their Spirit. She creates a sacred space where people can come home to their infinite pool of wisdom and truth found in their hearts and it is often the place where healing begins.
Barbara’s vision is to provide healing tools to assist in achieving a sense of balance and harmony. Her basket of tools includes guided imagery, breathing techniques, mindfulness & centering, journaling, qigong, energy healing, drumming, meditation and additional information that will encourage empowerment of one’s own self-healing.
Barbara weaves a creatively ~ flowing ~ calming ~ centering presence as she encourages YOU to surrender and expand your exploration of Self. It is with great joy that Barbara offers presentations on Qigong and/or various aspects of Healing. Through the years she has presented at various workshops, conferences, company in-services and retreats.
She also co-facilitates heart-centered & joyful retreats twice a year.
Barbara will welcome your email or call to discuss having her present for your group.
I bow to the divine within you
and I bow to the divine within myself.
Namaste ~ Barbara